UPL provides innovative solutions for New Zealand farmers and growers by providing an extensive product portfolio combined with advice from its experienced team. To discuss the UPL range, and what products may fit into your crop management programme, visit your local PGG Wrightson store or contact your Technical Field Representative.
Always read the registered label before use.

5L | 15L
A non-ionic surfactant, Actiwett improves the wetting, spreading, and sticking properties of agricultural and horticultural crop protection chemicals.

Centurion® Xtra
5L | 20L
A post-emergent herbicide, Centurion Xtra controls perennial and annual grass weeds in forage crops such as forage brassicas, forage herbs, lucerne, fodder beet and sugar beet.

5L | 20L
Du-Wett Super Spreader is a non-ionic organosilicone surfactant blend used to enhance spreading and foliar deposition of crop protection products in vegetable and agricultural crops.

5L | 10L | 115L
Versatile Li-1000 is a multipurpose agricultural surfactant, penetrant, and drift retardant used to lower the surface tension of water and enhance crop protection products.

Merit is a selective pre-emergence herbicide used to control selected annual broadleaf weeds and grasses in forage brassicas, maize, sweetcorn, and various vegetable crops.

Metarex Inov®
A highly attractive and palatable slug and snail bait, Metarex Inov® controls them in agricultural, horticultural, and ornamental crops.

Monarch is a selective herbicide used to control fathen and black nightshade in fodder brassica and oilseed rape.

5L | 20L
Peptoil Crop Oil Concentrate is a paraffin oil with a blend of surfactants and an anti-foam, designed for use with herbicides where a crop oil is recommended.
Some products may not be available in all stores but may be ordered on request. PGG Wrightson Ltd (PGW) does not warrant this information’s accuracy or fitness for any purpose. The content of this page is generic only. Always get advice from your local PGW Technical Field Representative before using any products. PGW is not responsible for the consequences of any action taken in reliance on the content of this page. PGW’s Customer Account Terms of Trade/Sale located at www.pggwrightson.co.nz apply to the advice given and the sale of products listed here unless specified otherwise. Images are for illustrative purposes only.